Dealing With The IRS? Here’s What Tax Consultants in Dallas Say You Should Expect…

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has one mission – to ensure taxes are collected accurately. This goal is key to an entire country’s financial standing, directly tying into better infrastructure, policies, and standing within the global world. As such, the IRS is authorized to take increasingly severe actions to recover taxes.
According to expert Dallas tax resolution specialists, a simple notice might in fact be the best-case scenario for most businesses and individuals! It allows quickly correcting an error and ensuring it does not happen again. However, for any other action, expert assistance is required for resolution. Here’s what you need to know…
Initial Notice to Pay Taxes
The IRS begins its collection process by sending an initial notice, formally informing you of the amount owed. This notice includes details about the debt, any penalties, and interest accrued. It’s crucial to pay attention to this initial communication, as it sets the stage for subsequent actions if the debt remains unresolved. Ignoring this notice can lead to more severe consequences.
Thorough Audit
If the IRS suspects discrepancies in your tax filings, they may conduct a thorough audit to verify the accuracy of your returns. Audits can be stressful and time-consuming, requiring you to provide extensive documentation to support your financial claims. During an audit, the IRS examines your financial records, deductions, and income sources to ensure compliance with tax laws.
If taxes remain unpaid, the IRS may file a federal tax lien against your property, securing the government’s interest in your assets. A lien can negatively impact your credit score and make it difficult to sell or refinance your property. It serves as a public record of your tax debt, alerting creditors to the government’s claim. To avoid a lien, it’s essential to address tax debts promptly or work out a payment plan with the IRS.
An IRS levy is a more aggressive collection tool that allows the IRS to seize your assets, such as bank accounts, to satisfy unpaid taxes. Unlike liens, which only claim interest, levies involve the actual taking of property or funds. Receiving a levy notice can be alarming, as it means the IRS is actively attempting to collect the debt. However, there are often ways to prevent or halt a levy through negotiations or by demonstrating financial hardship.
Wage Garnishment
Wage garnishment is another method the IRS uses to recover unpaid taxes, where a portion of your paycheck is withheld to pay off the debt. This can significantly impact your financial stability, as it reduces your take-home pay. The IRS will notify your employer of the garnishment, and they are legally obligated to comply. However, taxpayers have rights and options to appeal or reduce the amount garnished.
In extreme cases, the IRS may resort to seizing property, such as real estate, vehicles, or other valuable assets, to recover tax debts. Property seizures are rare and typically occur only when other collection efforts have failed. The IRS must follow strict procedures, and you have the right to a fair market value for any seized assets. Preventing property seizures requires proactive engagement with the IRS and timely resolution of tax issues.
What should you do in case of attention from the IRS? Well, the first and most important thing is to seek the assistance of a tax resolution specialist! These experts have keen knowledge of financial and related tax systems, and can thus effectively understand how to help you. This involves deciphering an initial notice, expert representation in an audit, and negotiating the release of assets seized by the IRS!